Tim Walters
Before I started working with Peter I did my research. This is something I would suggest for anyone to do before hiring a coach, and Peter even published an article on this himself. I contacted Peter and he was very quick to get back to me (his first plus). We discussed what he offered and people I could also ask to help with my research on finding the right coach for me. Once my research was done I still wasn’t ready to start prep for 2017. Peter stayed in touch with me up until I was ready and even worked with me as much as he could with great pieces of information that didn’t require a payment to receive. This might have been what they call the topper on the cake to hire Peter. If he was willing to provide as much information as he did as a non-client, what could he provide as my coach?
When we started prep I wondered if it would resemble my prep in 2016. Boring prep food, cardio for hours, and miserable. None of those statements found their way in my entire prep which was significantly longer. Throughout my prep with Peter I learned a more effective scientific approach to the sport and changing ones body composition. Using new techniques to hold strength, muscle, and mass. I also learned how to flexible diet or IIFYM and enjoy any and every food. I ate ice cream, cookies, pizza, drank beer, and never felt one food or the other was off limits. Cardio was still in my prep at the beginning, but out of 31 weeks I did a total of 7 hours! We used a new concept I had never used or heard of called N.E.A.T. or to be simple daily steps outside of the gym to help with my rate of loss. This was probably the hardest part of prep for me as when energy levels got lower I didn’t want to go for a walk. The good thing about it was when I did get up and walk I had more energy which Peter explained to me in depth. Anything I couldn’t understand or methods used Peter had an answer that was more than expected, and it made sense. Even better it always worked!
Now life is going to happen and it did just that during my prep. I experienced some substantial life changes which caused me to have more stress than my body was already giving me at lower body fat levels. I made mistakes eating my feelings and even considered not competing due to being overwhelmed. Peter is my coach and through our time together he has become my friend. When all of this happened he didn’t try to save the money he might lose or success I might bring to his reputation. He did just the opposite. Peter comforted me as if we had been friends for years. He made sure I was okay, checked in on me, and even spent time just talking to me about life and not prep or bodybuilding. We talked it out just as I did with friends and supportive people in my life following my journey this year. In the end we determined I would be more unhappy and regret giving up when I was so close and worked so hard for.
While my season didn’t end the way I had planned for it was one of the greatest accomplishments I’ve ever pursued! I finished the year with three 2nd place finishes and a 1st place finish in the bodybuilding class. It’s funny because when I started prep I told Peter I didn’t think I stood a chance. He helped me prove that thought to be just that a thought.
I created the BEST physique/transformation I’ve ever had in the four years since I got serious with fitness. I reach a new level and became a more confident individual. My education in the sport has grown to all new heights. I wouldn’t have done it without Peter, the Fitbody and Physique team/family, and most of all the hard work and perseverance I gave it in 2017.
My experience was so amazing working with Peter that I have hired him for my off season to help guide me correctly as I work to improve what needs to be done. When I stand on stage again there is no doubt who I will hire to be my coach and friend through the process that I trust will only bring me to another successful prep!
I would and will always recommend Peter as the man to hire! He knows what he’s doing and will prove it to you if you give him the opportunity.