Science of Physique Transformation Class Testimonials

Science of Physique Transformation Class Testimonials

Calli Henley
Just finishing up our last lecture and still cannot believe its already been 12 weeks! Sending some feedback your way– but as I’m sure you know I have very much so enjoyed this class and benefited more than I thought I would when I originally signed up. I’ve never paid for a trainer, coach, class (beyond my degree) and I am so pleased that I did it was worth every penny. In all honesty i probably saved myself more money than i invested in this class on an AMPLE of things…not paying for multiple unnecessary supplements, saving my money on things (waist band/sweat band), and basically anything that doesn’t revolve around calories in vs calories out. I feel so much less stressed feeling that I have all of these restrictions (not being able to eat after 7, being able to still eat carbs/fats, having my MiO drops in my water and not feeling guilty about it, eating protein pancakes but not feeling guilty just because pancakes are a “bad” food..etc!)
I also appreciate just having access to email you and ask you questions (even if it went outside of the lecture) you were always open to answering and clearly do not have some copy and paste Q&A that you referred me to. I felt very individualized in this lecture and it completely changed the way I look at why i train, renewed my love for it, and that at the end of the day it comes down 100% to me and the choices I make. I now have all of the knowledge (maybe not all of it) but enough to be successful and pursue my goal of doing a bikini competition. More than anything the answer relies on being patient. I was more motivated than I have ever been in following my macros and doing an average weight to see my progress. Although it has been difficult being consistent because I am not pursing a particular goal or stepping on stage– some days I was like okay not biggie ill just eat the extra peanut butter! I don’t have the feeling of blaming it on anything else but the choices I make. This motivates me to have more discipline!
I feel more confident in the time I’m spending at the gym and the workouts I’m doing and overall am sad that the lectures are over but I think I will learn even more by just watching them again.

Andrea Latkiewicz
Who doesn’t like to be taught by someone with a Doctorate?
Someone who has put the time, money, and effort into their chosen specialty?
Someone who has research facts and figures leading his teachings?
( not “personal experiences” and “copy cat” regurgitations).
In addition, he LIVES the life style. What could be better?
Well, nothing!
If you are wanting “THE man” to help you change your physique…then, take his nutrition course, and then hire him to walk you thru applying it to yourself!
You will have it imbedded into your very being and be able to soar!
Thank you Dr Peter Fitschen for sharing your gift!

Carolyn Dudek
The Physique Transformation Class was a great overview of the components need to change your physique. Dr. Fitschen provided research as the foundation for the “how” and “why” things are done. The evidence provided was done so in a clear, concise manner that was easy to understand. Dr. Fitschen was excellent about answering additional questions and responded in a very timely manner. Taking this course was a great asset to my personal knowledge base and I would highly recommend it.

Kyland Folkers
I’d recommend to anyone concerned about getting the most out of their diet and exercise routine and gaining the knowledge to help others. Very informative and included plenty of studies and research to prove and disprove many common diet and exercise topics.

Patrick Devenny
This class literally turned all that I “knew” in regards to nutrition and training upside-down. First there was a shock because I thought I knew so much; however, I quickly realized how much of my knowledge base was influenced by supplement marketing schemes. Spending many years training for football, it is amazing to look back and see how many “trainers” have also been mislead. Your class not only made me aware but, you also provided a tremendous amount of literature in order to understand what the science says and then you gave an unbiased opinion in regards to the science. It is a rare and fresh take compared to most, if not all, of the industry. If anyone is looking to clarify and or dive deeper into what they think they know about fitness then this class is for them! The hardest part was waiting a week for the next lecture because I was so eager to find out what else I did not know.
In addition, you got back to every one of my emails within 24 hours, with thoughtful and lengthy responses. Even the emails that had nothing to do with this class. This experience was beyond professional and l loved every aspect.

Sarah Stewart Lipton
Found this class on a fluke when someone I followed on instagram posted about it and decided to enroll on the last day I was able. I am so so glad I did! I have always been a very active person, but recently got into lifting the last year or so. I have been working my butt off seeing great results, but not quite where I wanted to be physically. Taking this class really took my physical transformation to the next level, and it was so immediate I was shocked when I compared pictures that were only a month a part! Not only that but the knowledge I have gained in such a short period is amazing. Peter does such a fantastic job at really going into detail, but also making it easy to grasp the information. This ultimately has been life changing to say the least. If you are looking to expand your knowledge for yourself or to help others I highly suggest taking this course if you have the opportunity. And if you are looking to change your entire physique I would not hesitate to enroll. DO IT you will not regret the decision!

David Ruedi
Peter’s Transformation Class filtered out the “noise” and taught me what actually matters when it comes to physique transformation. I learned that much of what I was focusing on either didn’t matter much or was downright counterproductive.
Prior to taking this course, my diet was unnecessarily restrictive and my training was overly complicated. Now, my diet has more variety, my training is simpler, and I’m making consistent progress toward my goals.