Megan Gaza

Megan Gaza

I decided to work with Pete this season after attending one of his seminars and having a couple conversations with him afterwards. It was immediately clear how knowledgeable he was and he was so humble and genuine. I knew it would be a great fit and I was right. Pete spent well over an hour talking with me on the phone prior to starting my prep in order to better understand what I was looking for and just talking about the sport in general. His passion for it is so evident. This prep exceeded all my expectations.

It was the longest prep I have ever gone through (43 weeks) and Pete was just as present/responsive week 43 as he was week 1. He helped me lose almost 34 lbs over the course of my prep and the plan was to diet slowly to ensure I maintained as much muscle as possible and that the prep didn’t feel too long or extreme. Pete prioritized my physical and mental well-being the entire time. I dropped weight at the appropriate rate and this also helped me retain strength and avoid hormonal issues for as long as possible. Pete also makes it a priority to not keep you at your leanest any longer than you need to be.

Pete implemented back to back refeed days and even a diet break of almost 5 weeks mid-prep which really helped me stay on track and gave me the breaks I needed mentally. For much of my prep, it didn’t even feel like I was in a deficit. He focuses on overall activity level and never overuses cardio. We didn’t even add any in until near the end of my prep! It was the best plan of attack for me. Not to mention I had to travel for work and Pete helped me plan around that with my refeeds landing near that time to make it easier on me.

Mid-prep, I severely broke/mangled my toe and even had to wear a post-op shoe for several weeks. Pete jumped on the phone with me right away after my injury and was very reassuring/positive and we came up with a new plan of attack to work around that with my training and diet and I didn’t skip a beat with my prep and things continued to move along – which was great!

What I also really appreciate about Pete as a coach is that he treats you like a valued human being and not just another athlete he’s prepping. Every decision – from which shows you want to choose, how long you want to prep, what look you want to bring – is up to YOU as the athlete. He will offer his recommendations based on his past experience, but never any pressure or ego involved. His primary concerns is that you are standing on stage at your best. Communication lines are always open with Pete and it’s very easy to talk to him about concerns you are having and he welcomes questions on anything to make sure you understand the plan along the way.

Every email was answered promptly. His replies were so detailed and complete. Phone calls and texts happened immediately on show weekends. Pete made every effort to try to be at some of my shows – which was awesome. Even at the show he couldn’t attend – he was there every step of the way to make sure my peak went well and was monitored carefully and I never felt like I was left hanging at any point. New workout plans were written right away. Questions were answered thoroughly and I always knew Pete’s thought process behind every decision so I understood the plan and reasoning behind it. It’s great to have a coach you can actually learn from as you go through prep!

I truly felt Pete always had my best interest at heart and he guides his athletes based on their wishes and expectations, never his own. Now we are putting a plan in place for a reverse diet which I have no doubt will be my most successful reverse yet leading into a productive offseason. I would highly recommend Pete as a coach. He is a wealth of knowledge and a great human being – which is a rare combo, and it has been wonderful working with him this prep.