Kyle Thomas

Kyle Thomas

I just wanted to reach out and thank you for everything you have done for me over the past two months. You showed compassion for my situation and acted far beyond the requirements of a competition coach. With every email you exhibited professionalism and provided we with every bit of information that I would need to succeed. The respond to my emails was almost always in minutes and at times felt like you were reading my mind with your response. In regards to the prep overall, after prepping myself my first three shows, this prep was worlds better. Taking diet out of my hands not only allowed me to actually enjoy the process, but you helped educated me on the science and showed that is process can be simple and successful. The simple fact that you allowed me to push my workouts and complete less than 2 hours of cardio in this entire prep was enlightening to the power of properly managing your diet. You kept me calm with things went astray and commended me when my handwork was putting us ahead of schedule. The fact is that I brought my best every package to the stage, but more so, this prep has taught me so much about myself and the competition process in general. I have attribute a lot of that what you provided me as my coach and look forward to the package we can bring to the stage together in the future. You are not only a great coach, but a great person with connections to a great community of individuals with a passion for bodybuilding and fitness.